Woman Smiling | Central PA Periodontist

Is Periodontitis Curable?

There is no cure for periodontitis. The only treatment available for periodontitis is for gingivitis when the condition is in its early stages when it can be reversed before advancing into moderate or advanced periodontitis. After it advances as a periodontal disease it can only be controlled by the dentist by using methods of scaling and root planing.


Some major symptoms and signs of periodontitis are usually easy to distinguish. 

  • Receding gums – One of the most distinguishing characteristics of periodontitis are receding gums and deep pockets between your gums and teeth.
  • Swollen and/or red or purple-tinted gums – Swollen and discolored gums usually mean that something is amiss. Another telling sign could be tender and easily bleeding gums especially coupled with the earlier characteristics. 
  • Bad Breath – Everyone has bad breath every once in a while, but if you have a lingering issue with bad breath even after brushing the possibility of periodontitis is certainly there. 
  • Other Signs – Other signs include painful chewing, new gaps in your teeth forming, loose teeth, and a change in the way you bite. 

 How Can It Be Prevented?

Maintaining proper oral hygiene early on to prevent gingivitis is the best way to stop periodontitis from developing. Gingivitis can be reversed and even stopped in most cases when people begin practicing proper control over the plaque. A dentist can only detect signs of gingivitis if the patient visits the dentist regularly for exams.

Can home therapies help?

Although home therapies can help reduce bacteria, if you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease, home care alone cannot treat your disease because the infection has already caused damage to underlying tissues that require professional periodontal therapy.

After therapy, home care is an important part of periodontal health management. Your periodontist and dental hygienist will help you create an effective home care routine that will fit your needs. This routine may include power toothbrushes, various flossing or in-between cleaning tools, special toothpaste, and mouth rinses.

The Takeaway

Everyone needs to brush and floss two times a day, have a balanced diet, stop smoking, and visit their dentist for checkups and exams every six months. Periodontitis can only be treated but cannot be cured. Gingivitis, on the other hand, can be prevented by maintaining proper oral hygiene practices and visiting the dentist for checkups and exams.

To best maintain your gum health, it is best to see your periodontist to discuss your own level of disease, personal risk factors, treatment options, home care routine, and maintenance schedule that will help you stabilize your disease and offer continued periodontal management.

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